health testimonial weight loss

Testimonial: Diet Heal #3
health testimonial weight loss

Testimonial: Diet Heal #2

Continued from our last post on the “diet heal”, let’s see another wave of real stories

health testimonial weight loss

Testimonial: Diet Heal #1

Hope by sharing more testimonials from the public tweet, you guys would love it, and embrace a health lifestyle!

And all these are true stories. Be it low carb diet, keto diet, carnivore diet; they do help.
testimonial weight loss

Fasting: Before and After

Our dear parents might be one or tow of the people surrounding us that not taking our advices seriously.

Before and after

Take example, ask them not to take porridge (or congee) for the breakfast or in the event of falling sick, they just won’t listen to it. Another example, ask them not to eat the rice at all, it’s like going to take their life.

Well, luckily my father kind follow the advice at once. He lost over 20kg over 1 year of time. And he maintains below 70 (from over 90) for years.

He previously already ditched the carbs for about 1 year, later on he skipped the breakfast entirely, until now. Once in a while, he practice one meal a day as well.